Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jackson & Batman

An Array of Batman Toys...

Being a Super Hero...

Jackson's Batman "Mask" (actually a neck warmer)

My child loves superheroes. I don't really know why the fascination began, but his love for them keeps getting stronger and stronger. Looking back, I guess it started around his 3rd b-day in September when I got him the Toy Story movies....he LOVED Buzz Light Year right from the start. Then it was Mr. Incredible, SpiderMan, and now finally....Batman!

He has all of these little Batman figurines that Dale (his Dad) has brought for him. He loves them. Yesterday I gave in and brought him a pair of Batman Jammies with a cape. He has not taken them off since. I would have liked him to get dressed in REAL clothes today, but like Peter Falk (Jackson's babysitters husband) says, "If it isn't illegal, immoral, unethical, or life threatening...don't make a huge issue out of it". Therefore, grudgingly....I haven't.

I do want to point out that my Mum brought Jackson a pair of SpiderMan P.J's for Christmas (which he loved). BUT...I have OUTDONE her b/c they did not have a cape!!!! Anyways, that's all for now. The weather here is miserable (-40 with the windchill) so I am at home today.

P.S. Jackson's Montessori school actually is not starting until this coming Monday (I got the dates mixed up) so I will let you know how it goes.


Brad and Samantha said...

Aww... Jackson is so cute. Yesterday Dale was taking him for a walk and he wanted to stop at my house to show me his new batman jammies. He was all bundled up in his snow suit but insisted that he come in and show them to me. He wanted Dale to take absolutely everything off.. what a kid!
Love ya..

JAZZY said...

Hey Lauren
Love your blog... my brother has one and I have given up on it. He never posts anything, his last post was about Melissa. The gal who's husband snatched the kids. We went to school with her and he put that they were missing on his... in August! So don't leave me hanging... Let's talk soon.

JAZZY said...

Oh it's Janine by the way...

Unknown said...

Very cute pics! How come you don't comment on my blog, eh? See you in only a few days! :)